Tag Archives: time capsules

Why amber is awesome- a short list

One of the coolest things I have learned about my name is that the ancient Greeks called amber “elektron” because of the static electricity built when they rubbed amber. The words “electric” and “electricity” come directly from the Greek “elektron”…that was kind of obvious, but words came from the fossilized tree sap that gave me my name. Amber was considered more valuable than a slave in Nero’s time. (Not sure if this is a good or a bad thing; I’m going to go with good.) China used it in perfume, and there are folk remedies using amber for healing. The most common use it jewelry. Pretty, isn’t it?

Most people are introduced to amber as jewelry.  The coolest aspect of amber is that it is a time machine.  Look at the photo again.  See those little dark splotches in the pendants?  Those are bugs!  Check out this one…

That is a mosquito in amber.  Many people are familiar with the movie (and lesser known but far more awesome) and book “Jurassic Park” with the mosquitos found in amber that contained dinosaur blood.  Amber is like a mini time machine providing us a way to see bugs (and sometimes small animals!) as they were in full health, without having to dig through stone or clay to get to them.

Pretty nifty, isn’t it?